$Kilimanjaro tokenomics


Kilimanjaro is a new concept of deflationary Lottery Token

How it works

Kilimanjaro works through 5% tax rate applied to each transaction, 2.5% is automatically burned and the other 2.5% goes to the Lottery Pool.

Only the worthy gets the full reward

Once a day, the lottery chooses three hikers among the $Kilimanjaro holders and split the lottery pool equally between them. Those hikers are the ones to reach the peak.

However, there is a catch.

If the amount of $Kilimanjaro tokens that the winner holds surpasses the reward received, the hiker gets the full reward. If not, the holder only gets 50% of the reward and the other 50% is burnt.

Token allocation

  • 1M token initial supply
  • Fair Launch

Stay tuned for more news!

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Kilimanjaro Finance
Kilimanjaro Finance

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